The Designer Festival was successfully held at LKK Design

Designer Festival

LKK Design Hosts Inspiring 321 Designer Festival to Spark Creativity LKK Design proudly concluded its annual 321 Designer Festival today, a vibrant celebration dedicated to honoring its creative talent. The event combined collaborative games, brain-teasing challenges, and gourmet treats, fostering teamwork and reigniting artistic passion among designers.   Collaborative creativity takes center stage at the …

LKK Design Hosts Inspiring 321 Designer Festival to Spark Creativity

LKK Design proudly concluded its annual 321 Designer Festival today, a vibrant celebration dedicated to honoring its creative talent. The event combined collaborative games, brain-teasing challenges, and gourmet treats, fostering teamwork and reigniting artistic passion among designers.

Designer Festival Designer Festival Designer Festival 

Collaborative creativity takes center stage at the Designers Festival

The festival featured three engaging segments:

  1. Duo Canvas Challenge – Pairs collaborated on spontaneous graffiti art, blending colors and concepts to create striking visual stories.

  2. Design Guessing Game – Teams decrypted iconic design references, sparking lively debates and industry knowledge sharing.

  3. Lucky Prize Draw – Surprise gifts energized the crowd, with cheers erupting for each winner.


Designer Festival: Food stimulates innovation

A lavish afternoon tea spread – featuring artisanal pastries, seasonal fruits, and premium beverages – provided a relaxed setting for designers to network and exchange ideas. The casual vibe encouraged cross-departmental conversations, nurturing future creative synergies.

Celebrate the Designer Festival

“This festival reminds our team that creativity thrives in joy and connection,” stated the event organizer. Attendees praised the balance of fun and professional growth, with many noting how collaborative tasks offered fresh perspectives for upcoming projects.

By prioritizing employee well-being and creative freedom, LKK Design reinforces its commitment to nurturing industry-leading talent. The company continues to champion innovative workplace cultures where designers transform bold ideas into extraordinary realities.

Tags: Corporate Team-Building, Creative Design Events, Employee Engagement, Workplace Innovation, LKK Design

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LKK Design participated in the 90th Shenzhen International Medical Exhibition

Shenzhen, October 15, 2024 — The 90th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) concluded successfully at the Shenzhen.  LKK Design stood out as a beacon of innovation and forward-thinking design。capturing the attention of industry professionals and visitors alike. The four-day event attracted nearly 4,000 exhibitors and professional visitors from over 140 countries and regions。showcasing LKK …

Shenzhen, October 15, 2024 — The 90th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) concluded successfully at the Shenzhen.  LKK Design stood out as a beacon of innovation and forward-thinking design。capturing the attention of industry professionals and visitors alike. The four-day event attracted nearly 4,000 exhibitors and professional visitors from over 140 countries and regions。showcasing LKK Design‘s deep expertise and groundbreaking advancements in medical product design.

LKK Design Medical- visitors

Innovation at the Forefront: LKK Design Makes a Stunning Debut

As a leader in medical product design, LKK Design made a striking appearance at this year’s fair, presenting its latest product service packages and a series of benchmark design cases. These cases not only highlighted LKK Design’s profound capabilities in medical product design, but also underscored its commitment to creating world-class medical products. Through meticulous booth design and engaging presentations, LKK Design drew significant attention from numerous exhibitors and visitors, becoming a standout feature of the exhibition.

LKK Design Medical- visitors

LKK Design Medical- visitors

Professional Services: A Hub of Consultation and Insight

The LKK design booth was buzzing throughout the event. Visitors from various countries have come to consult. For innovative product design, advanced design methods, end-to-end services and other aspects of the question, LKK design expert team combined with actual service cases, to provide detailed and professional answers. This personalized and efficient service earned high praise and recognition from the attendees.

LKK Design Medical- visitors

LKK Design Medical- visitors

Full-Chain Solutions: Empowering Medical Enterprises

LKK Design is recognized as one of the most innovative providers of comprehensive product system solutions in the medical industry. The company offers full-chain services for product commercialization, including consultation and innovative design. LKK Design has a long-standing history of serving Fortune 500 companies, well-known listed companies, and leading technology enterprises. By professional design capabilities, LKK Design helps medical enterprises develop innovative products, driving continuous progress and development in the healthcare sector.


Communicate with visitors on site at the booth

Looking Ahead: Pioneering the Future of Healthcare

With the successful conclusion of this year’s CMEF, LKK Design remains committed to its mission of “creating world-class medical products.” The company will continue to explore and innovate, contributing to the prosperity and growth of the medical industry. We look forward to collaborating with more medical enterprises in the future, jointly opening new chapters in the healthcare field. We invite friends from all sectors to follow LKK Design’s latest developments and achievements. we eagerly anticipate meeting you again, at the next major event!


Visit XPENG AEROHT: Flying cars

On December 7th, invited by Wang Tan, Vice president of XPENG AEROHT, I had the honor to visit the famous Guangdong Huitian Aerospace Technology Co., LTD., namely XPENG AEROHT. The company is an ecological enterprise of XPENG CAR, focusing on the research and development and manufacturing of aviation technology and intelligent driving.XPENG AEROHT, formerly known …

Flying cars
On December 7th, invited by Wang Tan, Vice president of XPENG AEROHT, I had the honor to visit the famous Guangdong Huitian Aerospace Technology Co., LTD., namely XPENG AEROHT. The company is an ecological enterprise of XPENG CAR, focusing on the research and development and manufacturing of aviation technology and intelligent driving.XPENG AEROHT, formerly known as Dongguan Hutian Technology Co., LTD., was founded by Mr. Zhao Deli in 2013. After nearly ten years of development, in 2020, He Xiaopeng, chairman of XPENG CAR, and XPENG CAR jointly invested and held shares to establish Guangdong Hutian Aerospace Technology Co., LTD., becoming one of XPENG CAR ecological enterprises. Today, XPENG AEROHT’s research and development center and flight test base are located in Guangzhou, and flying car foresight laboratories have been set up in Shenzhen, Shanghai and other places.

During the tour, we first came to the exhibition hall of XPENG AEROHT. Details of products such as the XPENG X2, X1 and T1 are shown here. The XPENG X2 is a disruptive flying car capable of autonomous flight and intelligent driving in the air. The X1 and T1 are prototypes and test prototypes for flying cars.
Later, we watched the air show on the spot. Flying in the blue sky and white clouds, the aircraft is like an eagle striking the sky, showing the charm of aviation technology. The engineers at the site introduced the design concept and production process of the aircraft to us, so that we are full of expectations for the future of flying cars.

Finally, we came to the ground simulation test area of XPENG AEROHT. Various tests carried out during the development of the flying car are shown here, including wind tunnel tests, dynamics tests, etc. Through these tests, engineers can evaluate the performance and safety of flying cars, providing a strong guarantee for future product development.

After the visit, we appreciated XPENG AEROHT’s working environment and research and development results. We believe that with the continuous development and breakthrough of XPENG AEROHT, the flying car of the future will bring more convenience and surprises to our lives.
This visit made us deeply feel the charm of aviation technology and intelligent driving. XPENG AEROHT, as a company focused on aviation technology and intelligent driving research and development and manufacturing, its products are not only disruptive, but also lead the development of future technology. We look forward to seeing more innovations and breakthroughs from XPENG AEROHT in the future.”           

We provide one-stop product development services:industrial design, mechanical design,   rapid prototyping, small batch production,DFM,Mold design and manufacturing, Validation&Certification,  mass production, etc

LKK Design has officially entered the field of AI design

2023年5月30日,由洛可可设计集团联合主办的以“品类突破 AI突破”为主题的第五届想象力大会在上海成功举办。从刻画符号到甲骨文,从农耕到现代,从蒙昧到文明,人类从未停止前进的脚步。作为一家建立了中国领先数字化设计平台、拥有4W+平台设计师资源的创新设计企业,当大多数人还在思考AI能给我们带来什么,对其指数级迭代速度可能带来的行业替代感到恐慌时,洛可可已深度布局AI设计领域,进入2.0时代,通过AI探索设计新商业价值并实现商业应用。在本次大会上,洛可可创新设计集团总裁李逸超为大家讲述了洛可可与AI设计“45天”的故事。 布局AI商业化才是技术真正价值 过去几年,洛可可设计注重数字化平台建设,得到了行业和客户的一致认可。 2023年3月,ChatGPT 4.0、Midjourney V5相继发布,意味着AI技术新时代到来;同年4月,洛可可开启AI驱动智能设计商业化2.0时代。 李毅超表示,“我们AI设计的核心不是去追逐某一项技术或者某个风口,技术是可以学的,但有一点我们必须遵守,一定要让它商用,但商用才会真正推动技术走向正确的道路,这就是我们在数据和AI层面一直坚持的研究。”  人工智能超越过去,成就未来 在时代发展的洪流下,人工智能在提供便利的同时,也在改变设计行业的发展。对于如何应用人工智能工具,将想象力转化为商业环境中的生产力,更好地赋能客户,李逸超分享了洛可可拥抱人工智能的45天里发生的两个真实的商业案例: 洛可可设计旗下AI爆品研发中心与哈尔滨工业大学“极端环境营养与防护研究所”合作,以前沿生物科技配方为切入点,打造国产美妆品牌“岫岩舍”。 该研究院是一家专门从事高原、冰川、极热天气下的军人士兵、从飞船返回的航天员等各类极端环境下皮肤管理与保养的科研机构。过去只是军用,今天他们开放技术,与洛可可设计一起打造平民品牌。经过一年多的产品研发、渠道筹备等工作,在产品上市在即时,由于写实拍摄难以还原前沿科技原料的萃取环境,直接在高原、冰川等极端环境下拍摄成本过高,导致最终画面效果不尽人意。团队不得不尝试AI设计,AI用梦幻雪屋完美表达了团队想要呈现的“硬朗之美”,一束光表达了前沿科技的力量。这种浪漫、直接的讲述,被年轻用户定义为“过目难忘”。 无独有偶,近日洛可可设计接到一位外贸客户的急需——设计一款阿拉伯文锅具,但公司现有的项目团队并没有阿拉伯文化所属行业直接对应的案例经验,多年的专业需要设计师深刻理解用户需求、市场环境、文化渊源等,因此团队在查阅了大量资料后给出了设计方案,但并未得到中东买家的认可。  “You can’t create something you don’t know.” Realizing this, the team began to shift direction and try again to use AI for design upgrades. The designer used years of professional and project experience to repeatedly ask questions and discuss details of AI, …

2023年5月30日,由洛可可设计集团联合主办的以“品类突破 AI突破”为主题的第五届想象力大会在上海成功举办。从刻画符号到甲骨文,从农耕到现代,从蒙昧到文明,人类从未停止前进的脚步。作为一家建立了中国领先数字化设计平台、拥有4W+平台设计师资源的创新设计企业,当大多数人还在思考AI能给我们带来什么,对其指数级迭代速度可能带来的行业替代感到恐慌时,洛可可已深度布局AI设计领域,进入2.0时代,通过AI探索设计新商业价值并实现商业应用。在本次大会上,洛可可创新设计集团总裁李逸超为大家讲述了洛可可与AI设计“45天”的故事。



2023年3月,ChatGPT 4.0、Midjourney V5相继发布,意味着AI技术新时代到来;同年4月,洛可可开启AI驱动智能设计商业化2.0时代。







 “You can’t create something you don’t know.” Realizing this, the team began to shift direction and try again to use AI for design upgrades. The designer used years of professional and project experience to repeatedly ask questions and discuss details of AI, and got the answer – Middle East pots are used in social scenes in Middle Eastern countries and are carriers for expressing value for the owner. On this basis, the designer “feeded” a large number of materials containing Middle Eastern elements of AI, and with the power of AI technology, one designer efficiently delivered hundreds of solutions in just 2 days, quickly and ruthlessly solved customer demands, and even exceeded customer expectations to complete the delivery of solutions.
Li Yichao said, “Today we can see that the original AI-assisted designers can actually cross many boundaries of our cognition to gain insight into cross-border, cross-regional and cross-cultural user needs. Today AI brings new possibilities to products and marketing, because it has done more and more to understand you, no longer relying on big items to fight the world, it has become faster and faster, better and better, and more and more.

AI Breakthrough We will eventually dance with the times

” I understand that this is the 2.0 era of AI. We need to understand it, learn it, apply it, of course, many people always maintain a state, first look down, can’t learn, and finally can’t catch up, this is our real state. “The content generated by AI needs to be integrated with production to improve the productivity of individuals or enterprises to be more meaningful. At a time when AI has become a general trend, to better use AI to empower design, designers’ creative habits will also change. In the past, it took a week or even weeks to complete a project, from research, storm, rendering to completion, through a long creative process. Now designers use AI to create in only two steps: training the Lora model + Prompt, streamlining the creative process and improving efficiency. With successful marketing cases, a large number of online and offline designers have begun to test through LKK’s AI Professional Edition tools at an astonishing speed. At a time when AI continues to cause panic and anxiety among designers, a large number of designers have changed their mentality, constantly explored and tried, and used AI to make more “surprise” designs. He has accumulated experience in many industries such as  customer electronics Product, home appliances, and personal care, and tried more professional industrial product design, and even clothing design that has never been involved since the establishment of LKK Design Group. Designers use their wisdom and experience to achieve second-level drawing with the help of AI, and complete more and more project deliveries quickly and efficiently. Not only that, LKK Design also launched the “fast packaging” AI design product service of “high-end sense design, massive design, and three-day solution”, which attracted a large number of enterprises and customers to cooperate after promotion.

(Some AI design works showcase)

The best way to be part of an era is to recognize it, accept it, and dance with it. As Li Yichao said, “It is not technology that breaks the game and creates people, and everyone who is willing to express good ideas to people and pursue excellence.” ”

Whether it is digital platform or AI intelligent design, LKK Design has been promoting the diversified collaboration and iteration of the design industry, optimizing the design ecology, improving the quality of innovation, achieving stronger resource integration and commercial value, empowering more and more enterprises with design power, and constantly exploring more possibilities of design. In the future, LKK Design will introduce AI design into more industries to help more enterprises ride the tide under the general trend of generative AI and digital transformation.





LKK teams up with Saite Robot for hospital delivery robot

intelligent delivery robot for hospitals

At the beginning of 2019, LKK and Saite Robot jointly developed an intelligent delivery robot (AGV) suitable for different hospitals to solve the time-consuming and labor-intensive situation of multiple handling of materials in different areas and the easy spread of bacteria problems. The R&D and production of this product also added a heavy line of …

At the beginning of 2019, LKK and Saite Robot jointly developed an intelligent delivery robot (AGV) suitable for different hospitals to solve the time-consuming and labor-intensive situation of multiple handling of materials in different areas and the easy spread of bacteria problems.

The R&D and production of this product also added a heavy line of protection to the medical staff fighting on the front line when the epidemic broke out at the end of 2019 and became the first batch of industrial intelligent equipment that was donated to hopitals to transport materials and put into use.

LKK Service Content

Product Visual Ideation | Product Design (Industrial Design) 

Mechanical Design | 3D Models Making | 3D Rendering

Shaping flexible product experience based on user behavior

Different from the cold image of medical equipment in the past, LKK has made it into a pet-type delivery robot with a round body and warm emotions under the investigation of a large number of medical staff’s usage habits. The slightly raised head not only simulates the intimacy of a pet looking up at its owner, and the screen with adjustable height and viewing angle can also meet users and scenes of different heights.

In the design of the Saite intelligent delivery robot (AGV) , medical staff can scan the code, face, punch card, fingerprint, and other different verification methods to unlock the medical box, so as to ensure the isolation of materials and provide convenience for users as much as possible. The design also meets the needs of products that are easy to open and save space under many medical devices in the hospital.

Investigate market demands and scenarios to create a mechanical design

Since the delivery of materials in different areas of the hospital can easily lead to the spread of pollutants, LKK has created a mechanical design for the Saite intelligent delivery robot (AGV) that can be sterilized in the machine and the boxes on the inner wall can be taken out after conducting market research and product research. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to ensure the regular cleaning of the machine under the normal transportation of materials. At the same time, the cleaning area in the hospital also enables the Saite intelligent delivery robot (AGV) to bathe and disinfect the outside in time after delivery, reducing the possibility of cross-infection of personnel in the isolation area, reducing the number of times that medical staff travel back and forth between clean areas and polluted areas, saving manpower and reducing the risk of infection.

This is also one of the reasons why Saite intelligent delivery robot (AGV) has been rapidly invested in many hospitals during the epidemic.

Breakthrough thinking creates innovative smart functions

Due to a large number of corridors and elevators in the hospital, the usage scenarios are complex. In the intelligent delivery robot (AGV) jointly built by LKK and Saite Robot, the ground-mounted magnetic stripe navigation action used by traditional AGVs is abandoned, and different types of sensors are used by being embedded in the fuselage.

The breakthrough uses radar equipment for positioning. After placing orders online, medical staff can independently carry out mobile delivery between different departments. At the same time, they can count the material distribution volume of different departments, the operation status, and the efficiency of each equipment.

Saite intelligent delivery robot (AGV) can not only avoid obstacles and automatically charge, but also call elevators and pass through safety gates autonomously with the high-precision indoor navigation system.

In the cooperation of the Saite intelligent delivery robot (AGV) project, LKK participated in the whole process, from market research to product performance analysis, to mechanical design. LKK assists with Saite Robot from draft to product launch to ensure the delivery of the highest quality products. Among them, the first consideration of the market also ensures that in the face of emergencies such as epidemics, the products can be guaranteed to enter the market first and be put into use smoothly.

View More LKKER SCM Product Development Portfolio >>>>


LKKER SCM Co., Ltd is a member company of LKKdesign Group, 100% owned by LKKdesign Group which is founded in 2004. LKKER SCM is a one-stop product development and customized supply chain solution provider. We offer services from design to manufacturing covering industrial design, mechanical design, electronics engineering, rapid prototype, tooling, pilot production, and mass production. LKKER SCM has been recognized as Indiegogo Recommended Prototyping & Manufacturing Expert since 2019.

LKKdesign Group is a regular product design award winner worldwide. Being the largest and top-tier design house in China, LKK has won 521 design awards since company establishment. LKKdesign is recognized as the National Industrial Design Center by The Ministry of Technology since 2013. Key investors of LKKdesign include Fortune Capital, China Culture Industrial Investment Fund, and Green Pine Capital Partners.

LKKER SCM partners with you to develop your product and get it to market quickly, efficiently, and economically. We have the design expertise, engineering knowledge, and manufacturing know-how to tailor solutions that work for you and your product in these sectors:

Turnkey Designs

Electronic Design

Mechanical Design

Assembly Process Design

Metal & Plastic Enclosure


Certification Support

Prototypes Builds

NPI Project Management

Supply Chain Development

Smart Product Development

Alternatives Solution

QC, QA, and Delivery

Manufacturing Operation

Supplier Management

Presence in China

Transfer to High Volume Manufacturing

Ship Direct to Customers



Vacuum Plating Production Process And Defective Analysis (3)

Defective 11. Primer Not Dry Description: The primer is not completely dried in the curing process, and the position that is not dried after vacuum plating, and the paint will be scraped off by hand Analysis of the causes: 1. UV energy is too weak 2. The product structure is special and there are too …

Defective 11. Primer Not Dry


The primer is not completely dried in the curing process, and the position that is not dried after vacuum plating, and the paint will be scraped off by hand

Analysis of the causes:

1. UV energy is too weak

2. The product structure is special and there are too many dead corners

3. Fault of UV machine

Key points of quality control:

1.  Confirm whether the number of strong and weak lamps and light energy of UV furnace are consistent with the operation instructions
2. Try to confirm before production and fix production parameters before production
3. Regularly check whether the equipment is inspected and maintained as required, and confirm the maintenance records

Defective 12. Poor Etching


Poor etching occurs on the surface of products with etching. Compared with the standard vacuum plating sample, the etching effect is not obvious

Analysis of the causes:

1. Primer spraying is too thick

2. Inappropriate primer selection

3. The product design is too shallow in terms of etching

Key points of quality control:

1. During the production process, confirm whether the spraying times and spray gun distance are consistent with the operation instructions, and compare with the standard sample for confirmation during the production process.
2. The etched products are generally thin coated , which shall be tested and confirmed before production
3. Test and confirm before production, and ensure that the etching effect is consistent with the standard sample.

Defective 13. Primer Whitening


After the primer is cured by UV, the coating surface is dry, the interior is not completely dry, and the uncured part is milky white

Analysis of the causes:

1. The primer coating is too thick, and oil accumulations occur in some parts.

2. The standing time after the primer coating is too long

Key points of quality control:

1. During the production process, confirm whether the spraying times and spray gun distance are consistent with the operation instructions, and compare with the standard sample for confirmation during the production process.
2. Supervise the spraying of UV primer. UV curing is required within 6 minutes after spraying

Defective 14. Fingerprint


After spraying the UV base or coating the product, the fingerprints that are felt by hand and flow down cannot be wiped.

Analysis of the causes:

1. The product is not firmly clamped, and the hands touch the product after spraying the UV background

2. The handprints on the material surface are not wiped clean

Key points of quality control:

1. During fixture, confirm whether the operation method is consistent with the operation instruction. After clamping, confirm the product status and the rationality of the fixture.

2. During material pre-treatment, confirm whether the operation method is consistent with the operation instruction

Defective 15. Plating color


Some parts on the surface of the plating layer is white or blue, which is obviously different from that of the normal plating layer

Analysis of the causes:

1. Primer is not dry
2. The baking time of the top coat is too long

Key points of quality control:

1. Confirm whether the actual parameters of the UV furnace are consistent with the operation instructions before production, and confirm the product quality after UV curing
2. When baking the finish coat, confirm whether the parameters set by the oven are consistent with the requirements of the operation instructions

More in the next chapter. Follow LKKER SCM Linkedin Page for chapter updates. 


LKKER SCM Co., Ltd is a member company of LKKdesign Group, 100% owned by LKKdesign Group which is founded in 2004. LKKER SCM is a one-stop product development and customized supply chain solution provider. We offer services from design to manufacturing covering industrial designmechanical designelectronics engineeringrapid prototypetoolingpilot production, and mass production. LKKER SCM has been recognized as Indiegogo Recommended Prototyping & Manufacturing Expert since 2019.

LKKdesign Group is a regular product design award winner worldwide. Being the largest and top-tier design house in China, LKK has won 521 design awards since company establishment. LKKdesign is recognized as the National Industrial Design Center by The Ministry of Technology since 2013. Key investors of LKKdesign include Fortune Capital, China Culture Industrial Investment Fund, and Green Pine Capital Partners.

LKKER SCM partners with you to develop your product and get it to market quickly, efficiently, and economically. We have the design expertise, engineering knowledge, and manufacturing know-how to tailor solutions that work for you and your product in these sectors:

Turnkey Designs

Electronic Design

Mechanical Design

Assembly Process Design

Metal & Plastic Enclosure


Certification Support

Prototypes Builds

NPI Project Management

Supply Chain Development

Smart Product Development

Alternatives Solution

QC, QA, and Delivery

Manufacturing Operation

Supplier Management

Presence in China

Transfer to High Volume Manufacturing

Ship Direct to Customers


LKK Product Development Footprints in Green Energy Industry

LKK Product Development Footprints in Green Energy Industry

Storion Energy Smile 5 Storion Energy, as a brand of green energy storage power that mainly focuses on the European and American markets, is an green energy storage device that arises when the market faces the high electricity prices. In the investigation of different household scenarios, LKK has designed module storage systems with different capacities. …

Storion Energy Smile 5

Storion Energy, as a brand of green energy storage power that mainly focuses on the European and American markets, is an green energy storage device that arises when the market faces the high electricity prices.

In the investigation of different household scenarios, LKK has designed module storage systems with different capacities. Users can choose capacity modules according to their own household power consumption. Like stacking Tetris, it is extremely convenient to disassemble, assemble or expand battery modules, reduce the labor cost of transportation and disassembly, and greatly improve work efficiency.

At the same time, Storion Energy S5 series can not only rely on solar energy storage to supply household needs during the day, but also sell inexhaustible electricity to the local power grid for money. 

While ensuring green and environmental protection, it can reduce the burden of power costs. This series of operations can be remotely dispatched using app for network monitoring and management.

LKK Service Content In Storion Energy Smile 5

Product Design (Industrial Design)

Mechanical Design

Transfer to High Volume Manufacturing

YOSHOPO Portable Power Station

Similarly, as an energy storage power source that can be charged by relying on solar energy and wind energy, LKK has created a portable power station for YOSHOPO, which divides the control system and the battery pack into two groups of devices. When encountering large-scale charging devices and portable power supplies with insufficient power, users do not need to replace the entire mobile power supply device, but simply unplug the right connector and replace the bottom battery pack, The battery life can be continued.

This not only avoids the problem of energy waste and unnecessary expenses caused by repeated purchase of control system hardware (such as indicators, inverters, etc.) when you want to increase the power supply capacity, but also greatly saves the occupation of space and makes the power supply more convenient to carry.

In addition, when LKK designed the appearance of the YOSHOPO portable charging station, it created visual highlights with minimalist aesthetics. While long handles in different colors became its unique brand language, they also made it easier to disassemble and move the control system and battery packs.

LKK Service Content In YOSHOPO Portable Power Station

Market Research

NPI Planning (Product Definition)

Product Design (Industrial Design)

Winter Olympics 2022 Mobile Hydrogenation Station

LKK provided design assistance in the hydrogenation project for our client – National Energy Group for the winter Olympics 2022. Due to NDA obligation, we are not allowed to disclose more information. If you are interested in mobile station design project, please contact us.

LKK Service Content In Winter Olympics 2022 Mobile Hydrogenation Station

Brand Design

Product Design (Industrial Design)

Mechanical Design

VI Design

Shawllar Portable Solar Power Bag

In terms of mechanical design and industrial design, LKK and Shawllar jointly created the “Explorer” series of portable solar power bag. Instead of the traditional mechanical appearance of solar charging panels, which makes people think of “tools” such as pliers and spanners, LKK use the bag shape of more emotional products to blend in. After adding elements such as handles and storage bags, they break through their original rigid image and make the products break through the original property boundary, Enter the scientific and technological intelligent daily necessities.

In addition, in the product design (industrial design), LKK R & D team adopted the folding method, so that the “Explorer” solar charging panel is only 2cm thick after being stored, and the total weight does not exceed 3kg. The solid and durable flat design can be inserted into the edge seam of the vehicle, which is convenient for storage and carrying out.

LKK Service Content In Shawllar Portable Solar Power Bag

Market Research

User Experience

Industrial Design

Chocolate Combined Mobile Power

Just like its name – Chocolate, it supplies energy for users, and users can freely choose the amount according to their charging needs. This breakthrough innovation is convenient for users to use and store.

In order to ensure the perfect realization of the “combined” product structure and meet the requirements of the safety standards of three series batteries, LKK supply chain team has gone through various processes such as mold stretching, polishing, sandblasting, anodizing and so on to realized the product design.

LKK Service Content In Chocolate Combined Mobile Power

NPI Planning (Product Definition)

Industrial Design

Mechanical Design

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LKKER SCM Co., Ltd is a member company of LKKdesign Group, 100% owned by LKKdesign Group which is founded in 2004. LKKER SCM is a one-stop product development and customized supply chain solution provider. We offer services from design to manufacturing covering industrial designmechanical designelectronics engineeringrapid prototypetoolingpilot production, and mass production. LKKER SCM has been recognized as Indiegogo Recommended Prototyping & Manufacturing Expert since 2019.

LKKdesign Group is a regular product design award winner worldwide. Being the largest and top-tier design house in China, LKK has won 521 design awards since company establishment. LKKdesign is recognized as the National Industrial Design Center by The Ministry of Technology since 2013. Key investors of LKKdesign include Fortune Capital, China Culture Industrial Investment Fund, and Green Pine Capital Partners.

LKKER SCM partners with you to develop your product and get it to market quickly, efficiently, and economically. We have the design expertise, engineering knowledge, and manufacturing know-how to tailor solutions that work for you and your product in these sectors:

We Provide Services In These Sectors

Turnkey Designs

Electronic Design

Mechanical Design

Assembly Process Design

Metal & Plastic Enclosure


Certification Support

Prototypes Builds

NPI Project Management

Supply Chain Development

Smart Product Development

Alternatives Solution

QC, QA, and Delivery

Manufacturing Operation

Supplier Management

Presence in China

Transfer to High Volume Manufacturing

Ship Direct to Customers


Discover LKK’s bag for unlimited outdoor electricity!

Bring this bag designed by LKK and realize the unlimited usage of outdoor electricity

In the third year of the epidemic, people’s strong desire for outdoor activities has been prompted. The suburban safari with close distance, low risk, sparse crowd, and good environment has become the most popular travel activity in the past two years. In the face of new market demands, LKK and  Shawllar jointly created a portable …

In the third year of the epidemic, people’s strong desire for outdoor activities has been prompted. The suburban safari with close distance, low risk, sparse crowd, and good environment has become the most popular travel activity in the past two years.

In the face of new market demands, LKK and  Shawllar jointly created a portable energy storage power for outdoor camping activities – the “Explorer” series of photovoltaic solar power bags.

LKK Service Content

Market Research | User Experience | Industrial Design

A portable power station is a mobile power supply that can charge mobile devices, mobile phones, computers, etc. in an environment without a power grid, and can even power higher-power devices such as electric furnaces and air conditioners.

Based on the usage scenarios of outdoor camping activities such as family self-driving tours and small picnics, after a large number of user feedback investigations and scene experiences, LKK finds that people have strong demand for a product that is light in weight, small in size, fast in charging, efficient in conversion, and convenient for movement. 

LKK makes this market demand turn into the primary solution for the energy storage power supply.

In the creation of the “Explorer” series of photovoltaic solar power bags, LKK R&D team adopted a foldable design, so that the portable solar charging board is only 2cm thick, and the total weight does not exceed 3kg. The sturdy and durable flat design can be inserted into the car’s sides, which is easy for storage and carrying.

As a sustainable solar charging panel, the “Explorer” series of photovoltaic solar power bags jointly created by LKK and Shawllar utilizes monocrystalline silicon with a high conversion rate of 23.8% to achieve rapid conversion of solar energy to electricity. When used outdoors, simply point the solar cells in the direction of sunlight to directly charge various devices such as outdoor power banks, mobile phones, and computers. At the same time, its adjustable product bracket can also adjust the angle of the photovoltaic solar power bag and the sun irradiation according to the environment, and independently improve the conversion efficiency of the photovoltaic solar power bag.

In terms of structure and appearance, the mechanical appearance of traditional solar charging panels is easy to associate with the image of “tools” such as pliers and wrenches. The LKK team incorporated the bag shape of a more emotional product, adding elements such as handles and storage bags. Later, it broke through its original rigid image, so the product broke through the original attribute boundary and entered the scientific and technological intelligent daily necessities.

Cowboy photovoltaic solar power bags

It adopts a leather handle, which is comfortable to hold, and the storage bag of the first layer of cowhide not only effectively protects the accessories, but also shows the texture. Denim is strong and durable and incorporates a waterproof design, which is beautiful and prolongs its service life.

Fashionable photovoltaic solar power bags

The fashionable photovoltaic solar power bag adopts the design of the contrasting color handle webbing of Shawllar brand, which improves the integrity of the product and is also designed as a pocket partition, which is more convenient for storage and charging and interprets the technological beauty and fashion sense of Shawllar.

Sport photovoltaic solar power bags

The sport photovoltaic solar power bag is made of waterproof fabrics, and the hidden zipper and pocket flap enhance the protection of the product and solve the conditions required for camping on rainy days. Double independent storage bags ensure the storage of accessories and orderly use of electricity, and the triangular stable support structure makes the support and folding safe and reliable. The mix of reflective materials and canvas makes the movement more textured and at the same time embellished with wild zebra patterns, increasing the tone of the original nature, closer to nature, and showing a youthful and energetic image.

In recent years, the global market for portable energy storage power is developing rapidly. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global portable energy storage power market was valued at USD 3.9 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to USD 5.8 billion in 2030, at a CAGR of 4.1%.

The “Explorer” series photovoltaic solar power bags were jointly created by LKK and Shawllar and is easy to operate. They can not only meet the basic electricity demand for outdoor camping but also help users flexibly respond to various emergency power outages, especially for long-term people who are active or working outdoors can provide a stable power supply to help improve the efficiency of outdoor work.

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LKKER SCM Co., Ltd is a member company of LKKdesign Group, 100% owned by LKKdesign Group which is founded in 2004. LKKER SCM is a one-stop product development and customized supply chain solution provider. We offer services from design to manufacturing covering industrial designmechanical designelectronics engineeringrapid prototypetoolingpilot production, and mass production. LKKER SCM has been recognized as Indiegogo Recommended Prototyping & Manufacturing Expert since 2019.

LKKdesign Group is a regular product design award winner worldwide. Being the largest and top-tier design house in China, LKK has won 521 design awards since company establishment. LKKdesign is recognized as the National Industrial Design Center by The Ministry of Technology since 2013. Key investors of LKKdesign include Fortune Capital, China Culture Industrial Investment Fund, and Green Pine Capital Partners.

LKKER SCM partners with you to develop your product and get it to market quickly, efficiently, and economically. We have the design expertise, engineering knowledge, and manufacturing know-how to tailor solutions that work for you and your product in these sectors:

Turnkey Designs

Electronic Design

Mechanical Design

Assembly Process Design

Metal & Plastic Enclosure


Certification Support

Prototypes Builds

NPI Project Management

Supply Chain Development

Smart Product Development

Alternatives Solution

QC, QA, and Delivery

Manufacturing Operation

Supplier Management

Presence in China

Transfer to High Volume Manufacturing

Ship Direct to Customers


LKK aids client, saving $50M with seismic node

Oil and gas price is highly related to world economies and the financial system. As the basic energy that can affect the prices of all aspects of life, oil and gas are scarce resources and the exploration equipment is still laborious, inefficient, and expensive to use. LKK and Sinopec Group Research Institute jointly developed and …

Oil and gas price is highly related to world economies and the financial system. As the basic energy that can affect the prices of all aspects of life, oil and gas are scarce resources and the exploration equipment is still laborious, inefficient, and expensive to use.

LKK and Sinopec Group Research Institute jointly developed and built the exploration equipment using 5G transmission – SmartPoint intelligent seismic data acquisition node instrument, with design innovation to help discover new oil fields and promote the digital transformation of seismic data collection.


LKK Service Content

Preliminary Research

Hardware Development

Product Design (Industrial Design)

Mechanical Design

Prototyping Making

Project Story

Oil and gas exploration is the key to oil development, traditional exploration means that workers need to take thousands of meters of lines and nearly 100 kilograms of collection equipment to line up over mountains and mountains, which is time-consuming, slow, and difficult high labor costs.

In view of the above pain points, in concept, Sinopec Group Research Institute and LKK jointly proposed SmartPoint intelligent seismic data acquisition node instrument for oil and gas seismic exploration using 5G technology, which not only abandoned the shackles of kilometer cables but also made it easy to deploy due to its small and lightweight size. In the process of operation, workers’ workload and labor costs are greatly reduced.

In the system, LKK helps Sinopec to create real-time and efficient data transmission, breaking through the bottleneck of the existing blind mining nodes lacking real-time data transmission and quality control methods, and realizing the real-time high-speed return of field data in the seismic exploration process and the quality of the operation process. It has the technical characteristics of lightweight, low power consumption, precise synchronization, and supports simultaneous connection of Up to 10,000 devices.

In the implementation of SmartPoint intelligent seismic data acquisition node instrument, the LKKER SCM team solved the above problems in different directions such as performance framework and mechanical design.

SmartPoint intelligent seismic data acquisition node instrument is presented in a cylindrical shape, and through multiple internal hardware layout optimizations, to ensure the space inside the machine and to compress the product volume at the same time, it is convenient for recycling and carrying during transportation. In addition, the four-sided groove mechanical design also enables it to be better inserted into the charging base during charging and is firmly combined with the base, and at the same time, it is convenient for the internal heat sink to be more subtly hidden, ensuring the high-quality integrity of the productIn.

the mechanical structure.LKKER SCM team continuously adapts and adjusts the circuit hardware and housing structure, and adds copper sheets inside to better dissipate heat for 5G products. In order to meet the use in harsh environments, the SmartPoint intelligent seismic data acquisition node instrument adopts the design of integrated edge wrapping + sealing ring, and the buttons and conduits are covered with secondary glue to be better waterproof. In addition, the product uses a magnetic switch to ensure waterproof and dustproof performance. The waterproof and breathable valve on the top can also keep the internal and external air pressure in balance when the temperature difference between day and night in the wild living environment is unequal.

This series of breakthrough research and development, after large-scale application in the future, can greatly reduce traditional equipment procurement costs and operation costs, and the cost savings are estimated to reach 50 million USD. With excellent product design and cutting-edge technical concepts, SmartPoint has also won a number of domestic and international design awards including the 2020 Contemporary Good Design Award, the 2021 Red Dot Design Award, and the 2021 iF Design Award.


LKKER SCM Co., Ltd is a member company of LKKdesign Group, 100% owned by LKKdesign Group which is founded in 2004. LKKER SCM is a one-stop product development and customized supply chain solution provider. We offer services from design to manufacturing covering industrial designmechanical designelectronics engineeringrapid prototypetoolingpilot production, and mass production. LKKER SCM has been recognized as Indiegogo Recommended Prototyping & Manufacturing Expert since 2019.

LKKdesign Group is a regular product design award winner worldwide. Being the largest and top-tier design house in China, LKK has won 521 design awards since company establishment. LKKdesign is recognized as the National Industrial Design Center by The Ministry of Technology since 2013. Key investors of LKKdesign include Fortune Capital, China Culture Industrial Investment Fund, and Green Pine Capital Partners.

LKKER SCM partners with you to develop your product and get it to market quickly, efficiently, and economically. We have the design expertise, engineering knowledge, and manufacturing know-how to tailor solutions that work for you and your product in these sectors:

Turnkey Designs

Electronic Design

Mechanical Design

Assembly Process Design

Metal & Plastic Enclosure


Certification Support

Prototypes Builds

NPI Project Management

Supply Chain Development

Smart Product Development

Alternatives Solution

QC, QA, and Delivery

Manufacturing Operation

Supplier Management

Presence in China

Transfer to High Volume Manufacturing

Ship Direct to Customers


Making a product can’t just talk about the product itself

We receive thousands of product requests every year, and thousands of customers talk to us about products. We find that many companies prefer to talk about the product itself, the function of the product, the expected design stunning effect of the product, the technology of the product, and the effect of the product realization, but …

We receive thousands of product requests every year, and thousands of customers talk to us about products. We find that many companies prefer to talk about the product itself, the function of the product, the expected design stunning effect of the product, the technology of the product, and the effect of the product realization, but companies with high success rate prefer to talk about the market positioning of the product, purchase scenarios, sales channel characteristics, why this product is made, competitive advantages and detailed user portraits.

In fact, when we make products, we can’t just talk about the elements of the product itself. The product itself is the result. We need to talk more about the cause.

R&D, usually the industry refers to R&D, that is, R (Research) mainly refers to technical development, focusing on technical principles and technical paths; D (Development) refers to product development, and pays more attention to the industrialization of technological achievements, the results of output and market financial success. The product we are talking about here refers to D (Development).

Market Positioning Perspective

What is the target market for your product? The most important mission of a product in an enterprise is a financial success because the enterprise benefits from the exchange of value with the market through the carrier of the product. Market positioning is to allow the product development team to understand that your battlefield is your exchange object, and to understand your exchange value to create the best carrier. How does this relate to making a product? Very important! If you deploy users in first-tier cities, there are key differences from other cities in terms of aesthetic orientation. If your battlefield is in a supermarket, shelf aesthetics are very important, and your products must have visual characteristics that stand out among the rich products on the shelf.

Once you choose a battlefield that can give full play to your own advantages, the product development team can choose from nine to create the best product advantages, and stunning itself is the best expression of clear value. For example, a product in a macaron color has a clear market positioning for white-collar women. Macarons give up on men’s aesthetics but also focus on white-collar women’s aesthetics, thus creating a unique attraction.

User needs perspective

What are the real pain points of your target users? For example, many makers think that users always forget to drink water, so they use smart cups to set the water consumption and reminder functions to solve the problem with technology. However, the real pain point for users may not be drinking reminders, but how to make them like drinking water. 

It is very important to dig out the real pain points. One of LKKERSCM successful cases, the Honeywell air purifier , which we launched in 2015 when the smog and air pollution problem is outstanding, the product solved the most concerning pain points for home users. We made user insights and found that users are most concerned about the simple replacement of the filter element and the problem of misoperation, and air quality. On the question of how to see the purification effect, we have reshaped the experience of home air purifiers based on these pain points. This user insight has also won the Design Research Awards

If the pain points you solve are not universal, you must carefully analyze the real pain points of users through specific methods of user insight and work to ensure that the development team can accurately understand the needs of users.

Competitive perspective

Who are your competitors? Some partners think that they have no competitors, some partners think that competitors’ products should not be considered, and some partners cannot accurately define competitors, so what are competitors of products? From the perspective of users, products that are in the user options in the purchase scenario are your competitors. For example, if a user has newly renovated a house and prepares furniture if you are a sofa seller, you will face competition in the same category and budget competition. Competition in the same category means that your competitors also sell sofas, so what are the reasons for users to buy you? Budget competition means that the total budget of users is limited, so why are users willing to spend more money on sofas instead of other categories such as coffee tables and cabinets? This is competition.

What does the competition do to a product? Differentiation allows you to do more with less. Based on the self-developed air multiplier technology, Dyson launched the product “Bladeless Fan”. The functional utility of the bladeless fan to the user is actually stronger wind. Who are Dyson’s competitors? It is a traditional fan. To win the user group of high-end fans,  Dyson created the category of “leafless fans”, which redefines the “leafless” shape on the user’s mind, and the ring hollow strengthens the bladeless visual hammer feature, bringing consumers a distinct memory point to let the product stand out from the other fans.

The last one is the perspective of product strategy thinking is category. Because categories drive users’ purchases, when users have pain points, the mental category that is fed back by the brain is the most primitive motivation for purchasing. It’s a battle of the minds of business.

Category perspective

What kind of mind do you occupy? Category differentiation is the driving force behind business development. In the user’s mind, different categories are used to solve the needs of different scenarios in the user’s life. Demand differentiation brings product differentiation to develop a rich category market . What does the category perspective have to do with product development? Very important. When you create a product, you need to consider the category memory in the user’s mind. The product needs to help the enterprise quickly seize the category mind through visual hammer and experience innovation.

Hair dryer is a mature category with a large market size, high concentration, slowing down, or even stable growth. This means that the user penetration rate is high, the concentration of top brands is high, and it is difficult to stand out of the competition. We helped users create a vertical hair dryer, mainly for the scene of freeing hands at home. Users can brush their mobile phones while blowing their hair, and children can watch picture books while blowing them. Category name, visual hammer, and new brand are the three key elements for launching a new category.

The key opportunity for categories in the mature stage is to focus on creating new categories. Hair dryers have driven the overall sales increase due to category innovations such as high-speed hair dryers, negative ion hair dryers, and vertical hair dryers.

Product development is an investment activity. For the best input-output ratio, we need to think about the goal of product development from the market, so as to achieve the most important financial mission of the product. Therefore, making a product cannot just talk about the product itself. Do you agree?


LKKER SCM Co., Ltd is a member company of LKKdesign Group, 100% owned by LKKdesign Group which is founded in 2004. LKKER SCM is a one-stop product development and customized supply chain solution provider. We offer services from design to manufacturing covering industrial designmechanical designelectronics engineeringrapid prototypetoolingpilot production , and  mass production . LKKER SCM has been recognized as Indiegogo Recommended Prototyping & Manufacturing Expert since 2019.

LKKdesign Group is a regular product design award winner worldwide. Being the largest and top-tier design house in China, LKK has won 521 design awards since company establishment. LKKdesign is recognized as the National Industrial Design Center by The Ministry of Technology since 2013. Key investors of LKKdesign include Fortune Capital, China Culture Industrial Investment Fund, and Green Pine Capital Partners.

LKKER SCM partners with you to develop your product and get it to market quickly, efficiently, and economically. We have the design expertise, engineering knowledge, and manufacturing know-how to tailor solutions that work for you and your product in these sectors:

Turnkey Designs

Electronic Design

Mechanical Design

Assembly Process Design

Metal & Plastic Enclosure


Certification Support

Prototypes Builds

NPI Project Management

Supply Chain Development

Smart Product Development

Alternatives Solution

QC, QA, and Delivery

Manufacturing Operation

Supplier Management

Presence in China

Transfer to High Volume Manufacturing

Ship Direct to Customers